Biletnikoff Award National Selection Committee Members:
College Football Writers, Broadcasters and Commentators, Eminent Receivers, and Past Award Winners
Ryan Aber, The Oklahoman
Brady Ackerman, Spectrum
John Adams, Knoxville News Sentinel
Andrea Adelson, ESPN
Zac Al-Khateeb, USA TODAY
Barry Allen, FOX Sports
Andy Amey, Tribune-Star
Holly Anderson, Shutdown Fullcast Podcast
Robbie Andreu, Gainesville Sun (Retired)
BJ Anteola, Fresno Bee
John Appicello, WSLS-TV
Dave Archer, SiriusXM College Radio, Atlanta Falcons Radio Network
Bob Asmussen, Champaign News-Gazette
Lia Assimakopoulos, Dallas News
Nicole Auerbach, NBC Sports
Stan Awtrey, Golf Georgia Magazine
Scooby Axson, USA TODAY Sports
Dana Wilcox Ayres, Doak Walker Award
Ben Baby, ESPN, Cincinnati Bengals
Eric Bailey, Tulsa World
Nathan Baird,
Lee Baker, Touchdown Club of Atlanta (retired)
Matthew Baker, Tampa Bay Times
Mike Barber, Richmond Times-Dispatch
Evan Barnes, Newsday
G. Napier Barnes III, Arizona Informant Newspaper
Greg Barnes,
Zach Barnett,
Colten Bartholomew, Wisconsin State Journal
Dave Bartoo, The College Football Matrix
Brent Beaird, First Coast News
Brett Beaird, WYTK
Randy Beard, Freelance
Bill Bender, Sporting News Media
Mark Berman, Roanoke Times
Terrance Biggs, Full Press Coverage
Andy Bitter, Tech Sideline
Ryan Black, Courier-Journal
Todd Blackledge, NBC Sports
Neil Blackmon, Saturday Down South, Saturday Road
Evan Bland, Omaha World-Herald
Bret Bloomquist, El Paso Times
Liam Blutman, Barstool Sports
Frank Bodani, York Daily Record
Kirk Bohls, Houston Chronicle
Kyle Bonagura, ESPN
Michael Bonner, College of the Holy Cross
Scottie Bordelon, Arkansas
Brian Bosarge, Draft Countdown
Drew Boylhart, FWAA & NSSA,
Rick Bozich, WDRB.COM Channel 41
Tom Bragg, The Register-Herald
Tim Brando, Fox Sports
Tom Brassell, The Wuerffel Trophy
John Brice,
Brent Briggeman, The Gazette
Michael Brohard, Colorado State
Nick Bromberg, Yahoo! Sports
Matt Brown, Extra Points
Matt Brown, The Athletic
Patrick Brown, 247Sports
Travis Brown, KBTX Sports
Olin Buchanan,
Andrew Bucholtz, Awful Announcing
Jimmy Burch, Freelance
Jordan Burchette, 3 And Out, CNN
Chris Burford, Former NFL Player
Peter Burke, Fox News
Marty Burlsworth, The Burlsworth Trophy
Bobby Burton, Texas Football
Matt Butkus, Dick Butkus Award
Alex Byington, On3Sports National News Desk
Jeff Call, BYU
Ryan Canner-O’Mealy, ESPN
Kevin Capie, The Vidette, Illinois State University
Christian Caple, On Montlake
Ken Capps, Freelance
Mike Carmin, Freelance
Michael Casagrande,, Alabama Media Group
Kurt Caywood, Freelance
Robert Cessna, The Eagle
Angelique S. Chengelis, Detroit News
Brett Ciancia, Pick Six Previews
Richard Cirminiello, Maxwell Football Club
Corey Clark,
John Clay, Lexington Herald-Leader
David Cloninger, The Post and Courier
Michael Cohen, FOX Sports
Bill Cole, Winston-Salem Journal (Retired)
Nick Cole, Freelance
Freddie Coleman, ESPN Radio
Peter Coleman, Dr. SEC
Donnie Collins, The Scranton (Pa.) Times-Tribune/Times-Shamrock Newspapers
Michael Collins,
David Congrove,
Kevin Connaghan, Pro Football Focus
Mark Cooper, The Athletic
Sam Cooper, AP Sports
Chuck Cox,
Frank Coyle,
Paul Crane, Scripps News
Brad Crawford, 247Sports, CBSSports
James Crepea, The Oregonian
Cole Cubelic, ESPN, SEC Network
J. Darin Darst,
Bill Davis, Groza Award
Brian Davis, A to Z Sports
Charles Davis, NFL on CBS/NFL Network
Lindy Davis, Lindy’s Sports
Rece Davis, ESPN
Gene Deckerhoff, Announcer and sports commentator
Susan Degnan, Miami Herald (retired)
Jody Demling, Cardinal Authority, WKU Insider
Bradley Denny, 3TV, CBS5
Steve DeShazo, Freelance
Mark Dianno, President of Maxwell Football Club
Darnell Dickson, Daily Herald
George DiDaniels, The Action Network
Tom Dienhart,
Heather Dinich, ESPN
Pete DiPrimio, Indiana University Athletics
Scott Dochterman, The Athletic
Dennis Dodd, CBS Sports
Chris Doering, SEC Network
Pete Donovan, The Lott Trophy
Pat Dooley, WRUF
Dustin Dopirak, Bloomington Herald-Times and Indianapolis Star
Jacques Doucet, WAFB
Doug Doughty, Roanoke Times (Retired)
Harry Douglas, ESPN
Jay Drew, Deseret News
Anderson Dreyer, ESPN Charleston
Nick Dugan, WJHL
Dusty Dvoracek, ESPN CFB Analyst/ SiriusXM Radio Host ESPNU
Tim Eddington, Shreveport Times
Paul Ellen, Auburn Sports Network, Ellen Communications
Jason Elmquist, Stillwater News Press
Mark R. Ennis,
Chris Fallica, FOX Sports
Jason Farmer, Hobbs News-Sun
Neal Farmer, Touchdown Club of Houston
Scott Farrell,
Mike Ferrell, Mike Ferrell Sports
Paul Finebaum, ESPN
Mike Finn, Atlantic Coast Conference (Retired)
Bryan Fischer, Sports Illustrated
Jason Fitz, Yahoo Sports
Ian Fitzsimmons, ESPN Radio
Peter Fiutak, College Football News
Jared Fleet, Lou Groza Award
Bob Flounders, Patriot-News
Pat Forde, Sports Illustrated
Tom Fornelli, CBS
Chris Fowler, ESPN
Ryan Fowler, Tide 100.9
Jami Frankenberry, Virginian Pilot
Dick Friedman, Harvard Magazine
Josh Furlong,
James Gadsby, The Wuerffel Foundation
Braden Gall, ESPN Radio, Athlon Sports, SiriusXM Radio
Ted Gangi,
Michelle Gardner, Arizona Republic
Mark Gaughan, Buffalo News
Austin Gayle, The Ringer
Tim Gayle, River Region Sports
George Gerbo, The Washington Times
Cathryn Gibson, LM Communications
Cory Giger, DK Pittsburgh Sports
Joe Giglio, Sports Radio 94WIP
Rod Gilmore, ESPN
Anthony Gimino, Lindy’s Sports Annuals
Cedric Golden, Austin American-Statesman
Michelle Pippin, Ray Guy Award
Chase Goodbread, Tuscaloosa News
Jim Gorant, Penguin Random House
Dave Goren, National Sports Media Association & Hall of Fame
Herb Gould, Fan Nation: TMG College Sports
Josh Graham, Curtis Media Group
Jeff Gravley, NC State Athletics
Andy Greder, St. Paul Pioneer Press
Tom Green, 247Sports, CBS Sports
Steve Greenberg, Chicago Sun-Times
Vahe’ Gregorian, Kansas City Star
Steve Gress, Corvallis Gazette-Times
Bob Griese, College Football and NFL Hall of Fame Inductee
Archie Griffin, College Football Hall of Fame Inductee
Eddie Griffin, University of Central Oklahoma (Retired)
Lance Griffin, WOOF Radio
Howard Griffith, Big Ten Network
Mike Griffith, AJC-DawgNation
Bob Grim, Former broadcaster
Vince Grippi, A Grip on Sports
Adam Grosbard, Orange County Register
Mike Gross, Lancaster Online
Tony Guadagnoli, The Seattle Times
John Hadley, Blaze Media
David Hale, ESPN
Monte Hale, Murfreesboro Post
Bryan Hall, Pro Football Focus
David Hall, Virginian-Pilot
Eric Hall, Freelance
Wally Hall, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Doug Haller, The Athletic
Suzanne Halliburton,
Scott Hamilton, Charleston (SC) Post and Courier
Bob Hammond, Retired sports journalist
Eric Hansen,
Greg Hansen, Arizona Daily Star
Dan Harralson,
Phil Harrison, Buckeyes Wire – USA TODAY Sports Media Group
Shawn Harrison, The Herald Journal
Marcus Hartman, Dayton Daily News
Kevin Haskin, Freelance
Steve Hatchell, National Football Foundation
Matt Hayes, USA TODAY
Todd Helmick,
Chad Hennings, Former NFL Player
Clay Henry, Hogs+
Eric Henry, 247Sports
Jim Henry, Tallahassee Democrat
Mike Hensley, Troy Messenger
Mike Herndon,
Alex Hickey, Saturday Tradition
Phil Morgan Hicks, Tyler Morning Telegraph
Tommy Hicks, Lagniappe Newspaper
Ron Higgins, Shreveport-Bossier Journal
Calvin Hill, Former NFL All-Pro
Glynn Hill, Washington Post
Matt Hinton, Freelance Journalist
Spencer Holbrook, Lettermen Row
Ryan Holmgren, Steier Group
John Hoover, SI Sooners
Brian Howell, Boulder Daily Camera
Joseph Hoyt, DLLS Cowboys
Brock Huard, Fox College Football
Wes Huber, Freelance
Ken Huff, Former NFL Player
Brandon Huffman, 247Sports
Mike Huguenin, Freelance
Chris Hummer,
Emory Hunt, Football Gameplan
Chris Huston, The Heisman Trophy
Jimmy Hyams, WNML Radio Knoxville (retired)
Kendall Cason Iles, Davey O’Brien Award
Steve Irvine, Freelance Journalist
Chris Iseman, The Record/USA TODAY Network
Nathan Jahnke, Pro Football Focus
Craig James, The Pony Express Foundation
Mike James, Oklahoma Sports Hall of Fame & Paycom Jim Thorpe Award
Tyler James,
Ron Jaworski, Former NFL Player
Hillary Jeffries, National Football Foundation
Brett Jensen, WBT News
Shehan Jeyarajah, CBS Sports
Randy Johnson, Minneapolis Star-Tribune
Andy Johnston, Fast Copy Communications
Matt Jones, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Amie Just, Lincoln Journal Star
Andrew Kahn,
Brent Kallestad, Former AP writer
Michael Katz, Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal
Jeff Keag, Indiana University
Kent Keasler, Bobby Dodd Coach of the Year Foundation
Sean Keeler, Denver Post
Kevin Kelley,
Cody Kellner, Kellner Football Ratings
Brian Kelly, MLB Network, NBC Sports Radio
James Kelly, Football Analyst
Nick Kelly,
Josh Kendall, The Athletic
Kirk Kenney, San Diego Union-Tribune
Paul Kennedy, Bally Sports Florida, FOX Sports
Blair Kerkhoff, Kansas City Star
Sam Khan, The Athletic
Nathan King, 247Sports
Sam King, Journal & Courier
Alex Kirshner, Split Zone Duo!
Mark Kiszla, Denver Gazette
Kelly Kitchens, CBS Radio
Cooper Klaus, The Athletic, Shake Down The Numbers
Leigh Klein, Soldiers to Sidelines
James Kleinpeter, Freelance
Jake Kocorowski, Wisconsin State Journal
Mike Kovak, Observer Reporter
Ken Kraetzer, Sons of the American Legion Radio
Adam Kramer, Bleacher Report
Shawn Krest, North State Journal
Steve Kroner, San Francisco Chronicle
Tom Kubat, Indiana Sportswriters and Sportscasters Association
Tom Lally, Walter Camp Football Foundation
Dave LaMont, Freelance
Bill Landis, Rivals
Chuck Landon, Huntington Herald-Dispatch
Rex Lardner, American Football Monthly
Shane Larson, Nation’s Best Football, The Gametime Guru Podcast
Steven Lassan, Athlon Sports
Matt Laws, Carter County Sports
Tom Layberger, Freelance
Steve Layman, Newschannel 5
Dean Legge, DawgPost
Emily Leiker, Minnesota Star Tribune
Chad Leistikow, Des Moines Register
Zach Lentz, All Clemson Tigers
Rachel Lenzi, The Buffalo News
Al Lesar, Freelance
Doug Lesmerises, Kings of the North
Derek Levarse, Wilkes-Barre Times Leader
Ted Lewis, The Advocate
Mitch Light, The Athletic
George Linley, Lou Groza Award
Josh Liskiewitz, Pro Football Focus
Jared Lloyd, Provo Daily Herald
Jeff Lockhart, Doak Walker Award
Brad T. Logan, 247Sports
Greg Logan, Newsday
Stefanie Loh, Seattle Times
Joey Londergan, Underdog Dynasty
Brian London, The Beast Media
Christina Long, Greenville News
Stacy Long, Florence Times Daily
Ronnie Lott, Pro and College Football Hall of Famer
Chris Low, ESPN
Randy Lowry, Rotary Lombardi Award
Tom Luginbill, ESPN
David Luther, Bleacher Report
Kevin Lytle, Fort Collins Coloradoan
Greg Madia, The Daily Progress
Dennis Maffezzoli, em>Freelance
Patrick Magee, The Times-Picayune
Bob Mancuso, The Outland Trophy
Brandon Marcello, 247Sports
Matt Marsom, Football News
Sonny Martinez, Freelance
Jeremy Mauss, USA TODAY
Dave Matter, University of Missouri
Mark May, Freelance
Tim May, Lettermen Row
Lauren Merola, The Athletic
Shane Mettlen, Harrisonburg Daily News-Record
Cory McCartney, Freelance
Greg McElroy, AlwaysCFB
Ryan McGee, ESPN The Magazine
Johnny McGonigal,
Kevin McGuffey, Last Word
Gordon McGuinness, Pro Football Focus
Kevin McGuire, Nittany Lions Wire
Brian McLaughlin, Hero Sports
Aaron McMann, The Ann Arbor News,
Brett McMurphy, The Action Network
Stephen Means,
Austin Meek, The Athletic
Cam Mellor, College Football Network
Sheldon Mickles, Freelance
Lisa Mills, Louisville Sports Commission
Nate Mink,
Russ Mitchell,
Sam Monson, Pro Football Focus
Antonio Morales, The Athletic
Ethan Moran, Pro Football Focus
Morgan Moriarty, Bleacher Report
Ron Morris, Freelance
Luke Mullin, Lincoln Journal Star
Tom Murphy, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
Chris Murray, Nevada Sports Net
Matt Murschel, Orlando Sentinel
Paul Myerberg, USA TODAY
Marc Narducci, Freelance
Jesse Newell, Kansas City Star
Josh Newman, Lone Star Live
John Niyo, Detroit News
Cam Norris, ESPN
Jack Nowlin, Casper Star Tribune
Rob W. Oller, Columbus Dispatch
Cory Olsen, Freelance
Max Olson, ESPN
Conor O’Neill, Deacons Illustrated | Devils Illustrated
Tom Orf, Missouri College Sports
Zach Osterman, The Indianapolis Star
Steve Palazzolo, Pro Football Focus
Jerry Palm, CBS Sports
Tod Palmer, KSHB-TV
Mark S. Panko, The Rimington Trophy
Petros Papadakis, Fox Sports
Joshua Parrott, Blue Ribbon College Basketball
David Paschall, Chattanooga Times Free Press
Chip Patterson, CBS Sports
Paul Payne, The Chattanoogan
Sam Pennington, Freelance
Joe Perez, Bloodhorse
Greg Pickel, Blue White Illustrated
Carlos F. Pineda, Southern Pigskin
Nick Piotrowicz, Bowling Green University
David Pollack, The Pollack Family Foundation
Greg Poole, Bulldawg Illustrated
Ben Portnoy, Sports Business Journal
Joe Posnanski, Joe Blogs
Scott Rabalais, The Advocate
Bill Rabinowitz, Columbus Dispatch
Derek Rackley, Westwood One Sports, Big Ten Network
Bob Rathbun, Bally Sports South
Dave Reardon, Honolulu Star-Advertiser
Robert J. Reidell IV, Unbelievable: A Minnesota Sports Podcast
Sean Reider, Albuquerque Journal
Tom Reisenweber, Erie Times-News
Mike Renner, CBS Sports
Dave Revsine, Big Ten Network
Joe Rexrode, The Athletic
Steve Richardson, FWAA
Josh Richter, 4TH and Five Inc.
Quentin Riggins, Auburn University
Jeff Risdon, USA TODAY
Michael Rittelmann, College Gridiron Showcase
Adam Rittenberg, ESPN
Lenn Robbins,
Ted Robinson, Pac-12 Network
David Rogers, High Country Sports
Yogi Roth, Big Ten Network
Adam Rowe,
Kyle Rowland, Toldeo Blade
Wes Rucker,
Rainer Sabin, Detroit Free Press
Andrew Sagona, Reddit /r/CFB
Barrett Sallee, 680 The Fan
Josh Sanchez, Busted Coverage
Gerry Sandusky, WBAL-TV
Jon Sauber, Centre Daily Times
Lyn Scarbrough, Lindy’s Sports
Rich Scarcella, Reading Eagle
Erik Schada, Bednarik Award
B.J. Schecter, Schecter Media
Steven H. Scheer, FOX Sports
Mark Schlabach, ESPN
John Schmid, U.S. Army All-American Games
Karl Schmitt, Paul Hornung Award
Mike Schulze, Tampa Bay Bowl Association
Chip Scoggins, Minneapolis Star-Tribune
J.P. Scott, Sports X Radio
Jared Shanker, CBS Sports
Brad Shepard, Bleacher Report
Mitch Sherman, The Athletic
Scott Shirley, Uplifting Athletes
Mike Shumann, The Casper Star-Tribune, Freelance
Matthew Sign, National Football Foundation
Dan Sileo, Dan Sileo Show
Adam Silverstein, CBS Sports
Dylan Sinn, Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
Tony Siracusa, Last Word on College Football
Christopher Smith, Freelance
Erick Smith, USA TODAY
David Smith, Nation’s Best Football
Robert Smith, Nation’s Best Football
Stephen Smith, Touchdown Alabama Magazine
Garry Smits, Florida Times-Union,
Cindy Smoak, Earl Campbell Tyler Rose Award
David Smoak, SicEm365 Radio
Audrey Snyder, The Athletic
Chris Solari, Detroit Free Press
Kevin Spain, Nashville Post
Art Spander, The Maven,
Adam Sparks, Knoxville News Sentinel
Scott Springer, Cincinnati Enquirer
John Steppe, Cedar Rapids Gazette
Sam Spiegelman,
Joe Starkey, 93.7 The Fan
Cody Stavenhagen, The Athletic
A.P. Steadham, AP & Kelly aS wE C it!
Phil Steele, Phil Steele Publications
Creg Stephenson,
Matt Stewart, ESPN
Daniel C. Stith, Paycom Jim Thorpe Award
Ben Stockwell, Pro Football Focus
Mark Story, Lexington Herald-Leader
Phil Stukenborg, Freelance
Jim Sumner, Substack
Aaron Suttles, Yea Alabama
Barry Switzer, College Football Hall of Fame Inductee
Matt Tait, Perpetual Sports Network
Andy Talley, Retired Villanova Coach and Member, College Football Hall Of Fame
Aaron Taylor, CBS Sports
David Teel, Richmond Times-Dispatch
Joe Theismann, College Football Hall of Fame Inductee
Dusty Thibodeaux, Warhawk Report (Rivals)
Cole Thompson, Texans Wire
Rich Thompson, Mass Live, AP
Spencer Tillman, FOX Sports
Eddie Timanus, USA TODAY
Chris Tomasson, Denver Gazette
Aaron Torres, Fox Sports, The Athletic
Gino Torretta, College Football Hall of Fame Inductee
Jimmie Tramel, Tulsa World
Grant Traylor, Marshall University
Jason Turner, Logan Herald Journal
David Ubben, The Athletic
John Unitas, Jr., Johnny Unitas Golden Arm Educational Foundation, Inc.
Dan Uthman, The Athletic
Emily Van Buskirk, Sports Illustrated
Gregg Vandaveer, Paycom Jim Thorpe Award
Tom VanHaaren, ESPN
Tom Vann, Rotary Lombardi Award
Chris Vannini, The Athletic
John Vassallo, Ross Video & Production Services
Ken Vaught, Southern Football Weekly
Larry Vaught,
Michael Vega, Boston Globe
Bryson Vesnaver, Pro Football Focus
Bill Vilona, Pensacola Blue Wahoos
Brett Vito, Denton Record Chronicle
Mike Vorel, Seattle Times
Glen Waddle, Jackson Touchdown Club
Bill Wagner, Capital Gazette Communications
John Wagner, County News Review
Christopher Walsh, Bama Central
Ari Wasserman, The Athletic
Graham Watson-Ringo,
Jimmy Watson, Shreveport Times
Kendall Webb,
Emily Wegener, Reddit r/CFB
Dick Weiss, Blue Star Media
Marc Weiszer, Athens Banner-Herald
John Werner, Waco Tribune-Herald (retired)
Chuck Wharton,
Mark Whicker, Orange County Register (retired)
John Wilkerson, WNML Radio
Don Williams, Lubbock Avalanche Journal
James Williams, USA TODAY
Jon Wilner, San Jose Mercury News
Collin Wilson, The Action Network
Steve Wiseman, News and Observer
Scott Wolf, Los Angeles USC Sports Illustrated
Mark Wolpert, Maxwell Football Club
Shawn Wooden, Former NFL Player
David Woods, Freelance
Rick Wright, Albuquerque Journal
Scott Wright, The Oklahoman
Danny Wuerffel, Wuerffel Foundation
David Wunderlich, Gator Country
Mason Young, Tulsa World
Josh Yourish, Fansided
Patrick Zier, Lakeland Ledger
Paul Zeise, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Brent Zwerneman, Houston Chronicle
Eminent Receivers/Voters
Carlos Alvarez
Lance Alworth
Fred Biletnikoff
Tim Brown
Isaac Curtis
Clarkston Hines III
Desmond Howard
Steve Largent
Nat Moore
Drew Pearson
Howard Twilley
Past Award Winners/Voters
Travis Hunter – 2024
Marvin Harrison, Jr. – 2023
Jalin Hyatt – 2022
Jordan Addison – 2021
DeVonta Smith – 2020
Ja’Marr Chase – 2019
Jerry Jeudy – 2018
James Washington – 2017
Dede Westbrook – 2016
Corey Coleman – 2015
Amari Cooper – 2014
Brandin Cooks – 2013
Marqise Lee – 2012
Justin Blackmon – 2010/2011
Golden Tate – 2009
Michael Crabtree – 2007/2008
Calvin Johnson – 2006
Mike Hass – 2005
Braylon Edwards – 2004
Larry Fitzgerald – 2003
Josh Reed – 2001
Antonio Bryant – 2000
Troy Walters – 1999
Troy Edwards – 1998
Randy Moss – 1997
Marcus Harris – 1996
Bobby Engram – 1994